Naomi Danazimi
2 min readFeb 17, 2022


A Leader or a Celebrity

Mentor a tomorrow leader today

Are training yourself to become a leader or celebrity, there's a difference between the two.

Celebrities hardly care about morality, they just want to be famous

Here's what the dictionary have to say

1. Fame, renown; the state of being famous or talked-about.
Synonyms: big name, distinction, fame, eminence, renown

2. A person who has a high degree of recognition by the general population for his or her success or accomplishments; a famous person.
Synonyms: big name, star, celeb, sleb, luminary, notable, media darling

It's very unfortunate that the mindset of tomorrow's leaders are tilted to one direction "FAME".

Every fibre in them is yearning and yelling for recognition and so they jumb at anything and any process that seem to deliver the desired results without reflection, without moral judgement and without checking if it will be beneficial to them in the long run!

Are you journeying to become a leader or a celebrity?

Let those things be clearly stated so that you don't confuse us..Today you stand for what is right and tomorrow you are saying something else.

Hope you are not confused or hope you are not saying, I'm writing rubbish?

Let me expand on this:

A leader may or may not be "popular" "renown" or even "famous" but has the ability and can lead, shape, direct just one person or a group or a large number.

A leader's greatest investment is person or people investment. He or she invest either his time, resources, energy, intellect or all the factors mentioned in people.

Their biggest achievement, accomplishment and excitement is not necessarily for them (the leaders) to be seen, known, praised and applauded but to see people smile because they were able to put that smile on their ( the people's)faces.

Another thing is, a leader can double as a celebrity but the latter is not really a thing of concern and so it's not his object of pursuit as it comes naturlly due to the investment he has made in people's lives.

I'm writing this to point out that alot of people are loosing themselves all in bid to find the world, to what end?

Older ones, please, mentor a leader today so that our future and the future of nations, governments will be in good hands!

Mentor a leader today!

Author: Naomi Danazimi



Naomi Danazimi

I am a result-oriented media and public relations personnel.